Solo Full-Stack Application
- Client: Nashville Software School
- Tech Stack: React.js | Python/Django | CSS
- See Live:
- Demo Credentials: || test123
This was a solo full-stack game-scheduling app that introduced the Django REST framework. The app allows users to create game entries and to host and join events. The user can also delete or update their game or event when needed, and there's a user profile to display the events being attended.
With this project, I learned how to make Models from an ERD that was used to plan the project tables and their relationships; and then migrate them. After migration, I learned about fixtures and how to seed the database, which is similar to executing SQL Insert statements. I was also introduced to token authentication and how authenticating a user based on tokens is more secure than using a primary key.
Furthermore, I used ViewSets and Serializers to expose the data to the client. ViewSets are great for handling the request from the client and determining which action is needed to process and construct a response. Serializers handle converting the Python data into JSON for the client and are also useful in determining what we're sending back.
Custom actions in the ViewSet allow a user to join or leave an event, along with custom properties that determine if the currently logged-in user is the creator of a game or event. The user also has a profile that shows their credentials and what events they're attending.
I had a lot of fun with this project, and I would say my biggest takeaway would be my level of understanding ViewSets and how they offer such powerful filtering and data manipulation. There's soo much more to learn about Python and Django and I can't wait to further my knowledge in these frameworks.
Interactive site coming soon with Heroku!
- Full CRUD React - Python/Django application
- Djang Rest Framework used for the API
- ORM used to query the database
- Intro to custom actions on a ViewSet
- Intro to custom properties on Model Classes